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Publication and maintenance of internal documentation

SWING DocPublisher

Company e-Manuals

A central place for company policies & procedures and other standard documentation for all departments. From Word document to e-manuals in seconds: policies and procedures, technical documentation, product specifications, knowledge base ... Simply organize, classify, publish and maintain your online documentation. Write in MS Word, read it using your web browser and publish it on your intranet or internet.

Transform your documentation into a web content

Unlike traditional document library, the DocPublisher automaticaly converts MS Word documents into web content. It enables your users to create and maintain the web content using their tool of choice - MS Word.

SWING DocPublisher supports the whole document lifecycle: creation, view/review, reading sign-off, approval, publishing, e-mail notification, withdraw, archiving, new revision and user’s feedback.

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Unless you’ve been living under a fashion rock (in which case stay under there and do some research), you should be well aware that Rihanna’s FENTY PUMA collection is the toast of the town. The fruits of the pop-star/goddess and athletic brand’s labors resulted in a truly diverse line of apparel which can count the likes of bondage-tops, headscarves,NIKE CLASSIC CORTEZ NYLON and kimono-tracksuit hybrids amongst its wares. And this doesn’t even include the shoes, which range from pimped-out sneaker boots to casually furry pool-slides.Nike Sock Dart SE Femme Chaussures FR PUMA has released an official campaign for the collection, but you an get a glimpse of what this line is like IRL thanks to our fresh-off-the-presses editorial. Shot by Cameron Oates and starring model Michaela Cleo Steenkamp, our editorial puts the overtly-conceptual FENTY PUMA pieces and places them right on the street, showcasing their inevitable practicality. And though it may not showcase the entire smorgasbord of the collection,MBT Flame Chaussures we managed to put together a healthy spread. Among the pieces included in the editorial are the aforementioned furry pool-slides (in the “Metallic Grey” colorway), the black lacing long bra,MBT KISUMU the wide-cut kimono track pants,NIKE AIR FORCE 1 FLYKNIT and the lace-up tearaway track pants, to name just a few.MBT KIMONDO MEN For anyone in need of some Japanese-influenced streetwear inspo, Christmas has come early.Adidas Ultra Boost Uncaged Rihanna’s FENTY PUMA FW16 is available through select retailers like Subtype Store.MBT KIMONDO GTX MEN Shop Here In case you missed it,AIR JORDAN 2 MEN Rihanna spent the better half of last week literally transforming into the heart emoji thanks to a Saint Laurent fur cape. WTF are we saying? Just click here. Photography: Cameron Oates / Model: Michaela Cleo Steenkamp .AIR JORDAN XXXI MEN